Christmas Bocchi

I mentioned in my Christmas post that most people in Japan celebrate Christmas on Christmas Eve.  We often hold a party with family or with friends (normally one of the two, not family & friends together).  If a person has a loved one, then they almost always go out together on a date on Christmas Eve.  Most places like hotels, amusement parks, restaurants, bars, are packed with couples.  Many places offer a special dinner/event that is much more expensive than usual price, but still sells out quickly.  There is a phrase, Christmas Bocchi, that means being alone on Christmas Eve.  Some people feel embarrassed to be “Christmas Bocchi”, and they try hard to find a partner by Christmas Eve.  On the other hand, some local restaurants and bars make a special effort to welcome “Christmas Bocchi” by having a sign up saying “the regulars & singles only on Christmas Eve”.  lol